Thursday, October 8, 2015

Entry 023 - Energy Cells gone?

Well, it (again) has been way too much time since the last post and I dearly apologize for that. Let me start with the Energy Cell System: I continued working on it and had a version with a carriable cell that was even throwable AND, if thrown on a cell station, went right in there. It was gorgeous to look at but once I tried implementing more than one cell it all just broke. No matter which cell you grabbed, only the first one to be placed in the map was grabbed. I broke it down the easiest way possible to get rid of the problem, but after almost two weeks of pure despair I gave up... guess that was the point where my programming knowledge ended (since I am designer, not to forget).

Edit: Not to forget, I worked with cells to trigger from a distance. It was alright and functional but... it just didn't feel right hence another two weeks gone. Not wasted, though, since I learned a lot about tracing within the UE4.

The Switch Cell (off/on) and the Movable Cell.

So what to do? For now, all three skills will be accessible using dedicated keys. Once I figure out a way to implement a HUD working great with VR a queue skill-set might be implemented (more on that later... eventually). Other than that I made the textures for switches and a moveable cell working with pressure plates. Besides that some optimizations were made; for instance a better and more flexible checkpoint-system or an enhanced lighting setup etc. Also finally I do have an idea for a great ending of the game, story-wise of course.

After all you can see I was definitely busy even though I was sick with the flu for two weeks. The next things to consider for the project are: getting to a feature finish being close ahead and figuring out the financial part. One consideration might be switching to Patreon or even making a crowdfunding campaign... but only once the features are mostly done and I have started the level design. That's it for now, take care!


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