Sunday, March 22, 2015

Entry 012 - Preset Map and new Cubes

After I've been making SPLIT public using the UE4 Forums and IndieDB, I decided to take a small break. That's why there haven't been any updates for quite some time but that doesn't meen I did nothing at all.

Preset Map

First thing I did is, I started creating a preset map. It includes everything such as an entrance and exit, the dying animation (logo movement), the CheckPoint system and most important: ordered assets within folders (right side of the picture).  This allows for a better workflow where everything can be found easily making the level design process much easier. Oh and I finally managed to enhance the respawn points: until now the direction the player was looking towards when he fell was the same direction he looked at upon spawning since the teleport function (Blueprint) did not affect the rotation. To get rid of that I used a so called "Set Control Rotation" with the "Get Player Controller" and an "Get Actor Rotation" after the inital spawn action and... it finally works (LINK).

Spike Cube and deadly Surface

Second, I created two new types of cubes. The first one is a new, deadly surface being inspired by my Bachelor Thesis Project "Dimensions". It's the black surface with white, glowing edges in the screenshot above. The other new cube is a Spike Cube: it's deadly as well but floating and moving around within a certain area. Using a heightmap and tessellation to achieve a dangerous spikey effect it is clear, that this one should be avoided at all cost.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Entry 011 - First Gameplay Footage

Without further ado, I present to you the first gameplay footage of SPLIT.

First Gameplay Footage of SPLIT (WIP)

Please keep in mind that it only does represent the current status of the game. It's not a finished map but a mere prototype level to showcase some of the projects features and its overall style. Despite the placeholder track running in the background, no sound has yet been created or placed.

What can already be seen is a steadily increasing difficulty. First the Dimension switch is only being used on solid ground, later while jumping and then combined with other mechanics like different Special Cubes and the Jump Boost. Besides the obvious there are other puzzles like the ball example to display the possibilities given... not to mention that changing between Dimensions does not only change certain cubes, it also reshapes certain environments.

In this very prototype you can see this once the player reaches the natural area filled with water. For now it's only a simple effect without any impact on the gameplay whatsoever, but in the future a lot of puzzles will be based on that principle. It may not just be that in one Dimension it is cold (therefore the ice) and in one warm (raining instead of snowing, water instead of ice) but it might be something like changing gravity, light and other parameters. Therefore no level will be the same since you have to find new strategies everytime.

Now you might doubt, why the sphere, how come there are plants in the middle of a cubical environment? Trying not to spoil too much about the story, I'd like to say that these areas have been created as kind of testchambers. Someone or something was trying cross between dimensions and the spheres have been the perfect build to contain probable catastrophies due to the experiments. What experiments? How come the cubes float? How come it is even possible to switch between Dimensions in the first place?

About that and more you'll find out in SPLIT once upon its release.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Entry 010 - Prototype almost done

First of all I'd like to apologize for the lack of information recently. I would have loved to share all I did, but once I've gotten into a certain kind of workflow, there is no time for writing any news... there is but only time for working. So what have I been working on exactly?

In-Editor Screenshot - Current Prototype Status

Actually quite a lot, new features have been implemented while otheres have been improved. And all of that to achieve one big goal: making a working and playable prototype of SPLIT. For the moment I can't tell much except that I am in the polishing phase which is gonna take a bit more time BUT once I am finished, you'll get a full video showing the current state of the project. Anyways, I don't wanna leave you with nothing, therefore the little in-editor screenshot as a little tease.

Stay tuned,