In order to make the transition from a hobby modder to a professional game developer I studied game design and finished my bachelor thesis in 2013 resulting in a "Bachelor of Art" degree. During studying I created several projects such as Victim, Weatherman and Color Sucker plus during the 5th semester I had two internships in two different companies (Chimera Entertainment and Mimimi Productions).
During all my years I gained expertise in different areas, such as game design, level design, 3D modeling, scripting, storytelling, lighting etc. As far as it goes for genres I have covered a lot like fps, role playing, sidescrollers, puzzle games, serious games, arcade and so on to name just a few.
During all my years I gained expertise in different areas, such as game design, level design, 3D modeling, scripting, storytelling, lighting etc. As far as it goes for genres I have covered a lot like fps, role playing, sidescrollers, puzzle games, serious games, arcade and so on to name just a few.